Saturday, November 6, 2010

Poor, Neglected. . .

Blog/5th baby/whatever you feel neglected by me. We have had such major life changes in the last few months. Not only did we have before mentioned baby who was 12lbs 15 oz at his 2 month checkup. . .

but Simmy started riding a bus! Just Simmy because Kinder is full at the local school.
Roger got a new job up here in Boise. We stopped by Robyn and Grey's house for a week which as turned into 6 weeks and counting while wait to close on our house. Great Grandma Lucimae has been living here too, Chad was here for a few weeks and their live in help for Lucimae. We have really packed ourselves in here.

I spend a lot of time with these 2 bugs.

and we spend a lot of time with grandmas. How cool is that??

Jt really loves his little baby brothers and is so amazing with them.

We have had a holiday here and everything

I miss my crafts big time but was able to use Robyn's sewing machine to make Rory's robe.

In the next week or so we should close on our fixer house and then we will get to work. The previous owners foreclosed and took everything!! We were able to get a great deal I love the huge yard and location.

Until then we will hold tight and enjoy being in a 4 generation home with amazing people, get to know our ward and neighbors better, excel in school and get bigger or smaller depending on who in the family you are talking about.


J. Benson said...

One of the many reasons that I love the Titmus family. They do things with so much fun and love. Everyone living in that house sounds crazy, but sounds like so much fun! Good luck with everything, love you.

Melissa said...

I love the nursing baby picture! Wow, previous owner did take everything. But, this gives you a chance to do it just the way you want it!

emH said...

So amazing! I'm eating it all up!

Michelle said...

Yea for pictures... I can imagine what that house will look like once you finally get your hands on it!

Kirbell said...

Yeah..glad you made time to blog! This will make me miss you less. I'm excited to see what you guys do with the house!

Jenn said...

Oh, you just made me laugh out loud! I love you and am excited for your new adventure. However, I am very sad that I will not be able to visit you when I go home. I don't go to Boise very often...

I wish you the best, love, and it is good to see picutures of Micheal.